The first 'real event' of the 2nd week was when eyes started to open, shortly followed by a typical bout of 'neonatal conjunctivitis' , or Sticky eyes, in two of the kittens. Colours are starting to appear, with 2 kits developing the darker 'muddy' body colour that often indicates a seal point. The other two have a more ivory body colour, although ears seem the same as the first two...we shall see! Interestingly it is the paler two who have the eye problem. They are starting to get more mobile within the Kittenpod, and Rennes spends a lot of her time nursing them. A typical teenaged mother, she would also like to go out clubbing, and she keeps bringing one (not the same one) down stairs and plonking her (or him, it might be Bradley!) in front of the dogs, hoping that they might babysit. They express polite interest, but have not volunteered - so far! Either she (or I) take baby back upstairs and we have to shut her in the nursery, or another kitten will make the trip down the stairs! JANE |
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VARIOUSA blog from committee members about their trials and tribulations with their own Siamese Cats Archives
August 2018
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