This is GUS. He is partial to one of those specially handmade and designed pipe cleaner spiders sold by the SPSCC to raise money for cats less fortunate than himself.
He demonstrates his spider catching talents all over the house and often said spider is found in the poor old dogs water dish or worse, once wet, dragged into a shoe for the unsuspecting wearer to find.
Today's escapades with spider takes him to the laundry pile where he volunteers their services to help with the ironing and afterwards a little sit by the fire to read the Sunday papers!
He demonstrates his spider catching talents all over the house and often said spider is found in the poor old dogs water dish or worse, once wet, dragged into a shoe for the unsuspecting wearer to find.
Today's escapades with spider takes him to the laundry pile where he volunteers their services to help with the ironing and afterwards a little sit by the fire to read the Sunday papers!