Kittens are different to puppies. The floor is a lot cleaner, although there may be the granular texture of cat litter underfoot. They prefer the wood pellet type, although we have mixed in mineral ones, so that they are used to other forms. Food may be devoured at speed or stared at, with that dismissive foot movement of 'bury that under the carpet'. The cheaper foods may be chosen above the expensive ones. Adult Siamese food is adored. Toys are played with, instead of being chewed. They fall asleep next to the Aga, in cat beds, or on the platforms of their 'cat tree'.
We have reached the 9 week stage, and they are nearly ready to move to new homes. Vaccinations were given, with no side effects, and wormers administered. GCCF registration was tackled, and the paperwork is on it's way, It is good to have finally used our prefix, registered over 25 years ago. We chose the 4 languages of South Africa as kitten names, So Bryher Zulu will be off to join our son. We have decided to keep one of the choc point girls, as having seen how caring Rennes has been, of her kittens, parting with all 4 would seem unfair to her.
We have reached the 9 week stage, and they are nearly ready to move to new homes. Vaccinations were given, with no side effects, and wormers administered. GCCF registration was tackled, and the paperwork is on it's way, It is good to have finally used our prefix, registered over 25 years ago. We chose the 4 languages of South Africa as kitten names, So Bryher Zulu will be off to join our son. We have decided to keep one of the choc point girls, as having seen how caring Rennes has been, of her kittens, parting with all 4 would seem unfair to her.