The most stressful week must be the week after the birth. Rennes is a first-time mum, and it is always interesting to see how much behaviour is innate (inborn). She is relaxed with her kittens, having chosen the bedroom kittenpod, as quiet and furthest from the hurly-burly of the kitchen (3 dogs, cooking, family space). Although food, litter tray and water were provided up there, she comes down to use her standard food bowls and tray. I presume this is the 'wild' behaviour, not eating in the nest, so that food smells do not attract predators.
We lost one kitten on day 1 and another went very flat on day 2. At birth, everything went very fast and I think that these kits got chilled and may not have taken on colostrum, so were weaker and less protected. We revived the 2nd kit, but he never developed a strong suck reflex and died 2 days later. The 4 remaining kittens seem to be growing well and healthy. Rennes is in with them for most of the time, but trots down the stairs for food and adult company on a frequent basis.
This morning there was a bit of a squeeky comotion. Rennes was trotting around with one of the kits, dangling from her mouth. Kit was squeeking in protest. I retrieved kit from the kitchen and put her back in the nest. Kitten then was brought back down. Rennes showed her kitten to the three large black dogs, all expressed interest! Then she took the kitten back up to bed. Rennes looks on the dogs as her family, so I suspect the kits will be downstairs soon!
so I suspect the kits will be downstairs soon!
We lost one kitten on day 1 and another went very flat on day 2. At birth, everything went very fast and I think that these kits got chilled and may not have taken on colostrum, so were weaker and less protected. We revived the 2nd kit, but he never developed a strong suck reflex and died 2 days later. The 4 remaining kittens seem to be growing well and healthy. Rennes is in with them for most of the time, but trots down the stairs for food and adult company on a frequent basis.
This morning there was a bit of a squeeky comotion. Rennes was trotting around with one of the kits, dangling from her mouth. Kit was squeeking in protest. I retrieved kit from the kitchen and put her back in the nest. Kitten then was brought back down. Rennes showed her kitten to the three large black dogs, all expressed interest! Then she took the kitten back up to bed. Rennes looks on the dogs as her family, so I suspect the kits will be downstairs soon!
so I suspect the kits will be downstairs soon!